Set your New Year resolutions
This is not the place to discuss your personal options, but this is an ideal time to consider your business and personal financial planning options for 2019.
What are your options?
If Brexit, as it seems likely, has a depressive effect on the UK economy, we may be pushed back into a mild recession. If so, the enthusiasm for investment will decline and businesses will hoard cash.
Accordingly, you might like to consider your present cash position, plan for a levelling off or decline in your sales and pressure on your margins as competitors seek to maintain their competitive advantage; and, you will need to invest some time in considering the effects of any disruption to your supply lines especially if we are faced with a no-deal Brexit.
There has never been a more appropriate time to prepare a formal business plan.
Ideally, the numbers should be entered into your accounts software so that you can closely monitor what is happening to you financially compared to your expectations. In this way you can take remedial action as events unwind rather than considering the mess left behind if you take your eyes off the road ahead.
We can help. Please call so we can make a start on finding the best-fit solution for your business. 2019 will likely be a challenging year. Be prepared.
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