Contact details or else…
Hospitality trades are now mandated to collect the contact details of customers. Which logically assumes that if a customer refuses to provide this information they must be turned away?
The contact details required include:
- name
- contact number
- date of visit
- arrival time
- departure time, if possible
All collected data must comply with GDPR and will not be kept for longer than necessary.
Data collection should be as straightforward as possible for organisations. Each organisation will have the freedom to collect the data in a way that best suits them, either using an existing system or finding a new solution. This method will vary from sector to sector, and we will continue to engage with organisations to consider what additional support or guidance may be needed.
[See our further post today Are you ready for the COVID-19 app?]
Contact details will only be shared with NHS Test and Trace if it is requested. This will usually be because the venue has been identified as the location of a potential local outbreak of COVID-19. If this is the case, the NHS Test and Trace service will work closely with any affected establishments to take appropriate action.
Businesses should continue to follow the government’s comprehensive workplace guidance with practical steps employers should take to make workplaces COVID-secure and ensure employees feel safe in their place of work.
Venues must also keep a record of all staff working on the premises on a given day and their contact details.
These will be stored for 21 days and shared with NHS Test and Trace, if requested.
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